Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas Genealogy
Obituaries, News Articles and Birth Announcements from Topeka Newspapers (including some funeral home announcements from the counties of Coffey, Jefferson, Nemaha, Potawattomie, Shawnee & Wabaunsee).
If there is a "place saver" for an obituary that you're seeking, let me know and I will make a point of finding that obituary. Please be sure to include the name, date and newspaper of the specific obituaries you're wanting. Thanx! My Email
Topeka City Directories
If there is a name that you're wanting researched in any of the above listed directories, let me know and I will make a priority of entering those names. Please be sure to include the name and date of the directory. Thanx! My Email
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Site last updated: 12 Mar 2012